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以文献资料法、数理统计法、比较法和逻辑归纳法等研究方法,通过对浙江省高职高专院校第十五届大学生运动会竞赛成绩的格局特征分析,得出以下基本结论:①十个大运会比赛项目分值赋分存在不均衡特征;②参赛院校在得分获奖能力方面具有明显的规模优势和类型强势特征;③十个大运会比赛项目具有十分明显的强校特征和获奖面局部离散性特征;④不同地域、不同性质院校在获奖能力方面的总体无差异性特征。在此基础上提出了实施三小球比赛得分两倍倍率激励制度设计,加强竞赛格局战略分析,科学谋划校外运动竞赛参赛整体计划,扬长避短,提升参赛绩效。运动竞赛整体强势学校须注重田径、游泳和三个大球类项目对整体获奖能力评价的重要贡献率,竞赛整体弱势学校可择取田径、羽毛球和游泳项目参赛获奖面相对较广、单项设置数较多的比赛项目等对策建议。  相似文献   
采用文献资料、实地调研与专家访谈等研究方法,对江苏省体育健康特色小镇的建设愿景与实然状态进行现状调查,并结合全国和江苏省有关体育小镇建设的宏观政策,深度挖掘体育健康特色小镇建设中存在的瓶颈与纠纷,并提出相应的策略。调研得知:江苏省体育健康特色小镇在建设过程中存在建设主体职责不明确,规划建设方向不合理,规划方案编制无灵魂,资源整合工作被忽视和专业人才匮乏等问题。在此基础上,提出找准特色核心项目,科学的规划策划,建立有效的激励与协调机制,倡导辩证的产业思维,实施专业人策略是推进江苏省体育健康特色小镇的重要举措。  相似文献   
Jiangsu province has actively responded to the call of the Party and the state of building China into a country of strong “sports power” and “cultural power”,through an all-round effort in the sectors of sports material culture,sports spiritual culture,sports system culture and sports behavior culture. Jiangsu has improved the sports organization mechanism,ensured the sports public services,inherited folk sports culture,riched sports event culture and promoted high-quality sports culture.In an effort to build a province of renowned sports culture,we have seized the opportunities,taken sports culture as a starting point,and developed a strong sports culture in Jiangsu on all fronts,the experience of which is of reference value to the development of advanced sports power in other provinces and our nation.This paper adopts the methods of document review,logical analysis and investigation,re-generalizes the connotation and standard of a province of strong sports culture on the basis of the existing research results,and discusses the construction and development practice of Jiangsu’s development of sports culture and its further construction path.  相似文献   
Topic evolution has been described by many approaches from a macro level to a detail level, by extracting topic dynamics from text in literature and other media types. However, why the evolution happens is less studied. In this paper, we focus on whether and how the keyword semantics can invoke or affect the topic evolution. We assume that the semantic relatedness among the keywords can affect topic popularity during literature surveying and citing process, thus invoking evolution. However, the assumption is needed to be confirmed in an approach that fully considers the semantic interactions among topics. Traditional topic evolution analyses in scientometric domains cannot provide such support because of using limited semantic meanings. To address this problem, we apply the Google Word2Vec, a deep learning language model, to enhance the keywords with more complete semantic information. We further develop the semantic space as an urban geographic space. We analyze the topic evolution geographically using the measures of spatial autocorrelation, as if keywords are the changing lands in an evolving city. The keyword citations (keyword citation counts one when the paper containing this keyword obtains a citation) are used as an indicator of keyword popularity. Using the bibliographical datasets of the geographical natural hazard field, experimental results demonstrate that in some local areas, the popularity of keywords is affecting that of the surrounding keywords. However, there are no significant impacts on the evolution of all keywords. The spatial autocorrelation analysis identifies the interaction patterns (including High-High leading, High-Low suppressing) among the keywords in local areas. This approach can be regarded as an analyzing framework borrowed from geospatial modeling. Moreover, the prediction results in local areas are demonstrated to be more accurate if considering the spatial autocorrelations.  相似文献   
大运河苏北区域层面的空间认识与架构不仅关系到自身人居生态特色打造,更关乎文化带建设的整体格局。通过对苏北水文化景观格局形成过程及成因的分析,建立苏北水文化与大运河文化的认识统一性。苏北水文化景观系统是以大运河开凿、维系为引擎,经历漫长历史进程形成的。大运河以及与之有着密切关联的水利、聚落、农业等遗产以及水系、历史地貌要素都是苏北水文化景观系统的重要构成和历史基础。同时,这个系统也是见证大运河发展及其影响的物证条件和大运河文化带、国家文化公园建设的空间依托。苏北水文化与大运河文化资源的保护、利用、融合,可以更好地实现彼此涵括构建、内涵诠释以及建设绩效的释放。  相似文献   
同治回民大起义期间,甘肃众多地区沦为战场。战后的光绪、宣统朝,甘肃各地的经济状况直接关系到清廷在西北的政权统治情况以及甘肃民众的生活质量,甚至对清末乃至民国初期甘肃的社会发展亦产生了一定的影响。以陕甘新驿道沿途为中心,对光宣两朝甘肃地区的堡寨兴废、民众生活、军队建设等方面情况进行梳理总结,这有助于我们全面认识同治回民大起义的影响以及清末乃至民国初年甘肃经济、政治格局形成的原因。  相似文献   
文章在对清代安徽方志广泛阅读的基础上,分析了舆图在清代安徽方志中的采用状况,并对方志舆图的功用、绘制人员身份及资料来源、方志舆图的变化趋势进行了考察。  相似文献   
本研究通过对多重压力叠加下的"后疫情"时期大学生就业特点进行分析,梳理"后疫情"时期支持大学生就业的政策,在政府、企业、地方高校和个体层面提出河北省地方高校大学生就业成效提升对策,为提特殊时期政策制定提供一个新的研究视角,为有效缓解大学生就业难的问题提供参考。  相似文献   
现阶段,高等教育已经进入大众化发展阶段,但供求关系的失衡、结构性矛盾的突出、就业择业观的偏颇都造成大学生就业难问题。吉林省作为教育大省,一方面要大力推进毕业生就业工作,另一方面要防止人才流失,所以促进高校毕业生留省就业就显得尤为重要。由于高等教育的快速发展、用人单位的多样需求、当代大学生新价值观的形成等原因,高校的教育观、用人单位的选拔观、大学生的择业观存在一定程度的不匹配。只有高校深化教育改革、搭建实习实践平台、强化毕业生就业择业指导,才能有效促进高校毕业生留省就业,促进"人才生根工程"计划的有效实施。  相似文献   
教育服务“三农”基地的建设对于提升农民职业技能、加快农业结构转型和推动农村治理创新有着重要作用,是乡村振兴战略发展的重要抓手。江苏省大力推动教育服务“三农”基地的建设,而常州市在基地建设的数量与发展质量方面均走在全省前列,取得了较好的实效。基于常州的研究发现,教育服务“三农”基地的建设在管理体制、经费保障、队伍建设、培训模式、辐射效能等方面仍有待加强与提升,应进一步做到:完善管理体制,注重评估督导;加强经费保障,夯实发展基础;深化内涵建设,打造特色品牌;搭建师资平台,加强队伍建设;注重实践创新,提升辐射效能。  相似文献   
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